North Central Chief Minister Peshala Jayarathna Bandara has launched a programme to meet the educational needs at pirivenas in the NCP heeding to the request by the Maha Sangha.
Under the programme at an Anuradhapura ceremony held at the North Central Province Chief Ministry auditorium 58 multi media projectors and appliances were handed over to Maha Sangha represented by the 58 pirivena institutes; 43 in the Anuradhapura district and 15 in Polonnaruwa.
The Chief Minister said at the occasion in which a large number of the Maha Sangha participated that he and the NCP were prepared to solve the problems faced at the privenas in the NCP without waiting for the Central Government to remedy such shortcomings.
"There is a dearth of teachers in the province. We need 4,000 teachers more.
When we took action using the powers vested in us under the Provincial Council Act to recruit Advanced Level passed persons to fill the vacancies for the benefit of 300,000 of students in NCP, the present line education minister in the good governance government used his ministerial powers to stop the recruitment examination being held.
It is a pity that a minister has been acting in volition of the desires of the public service commission to hold this competitive examination through the examination department," he said.
He appealed to the Maha Sangha to take note of this injustice.